The one good thing about traveling, is that Curt and I are on a quest to see a capybara. There are signs on the highway that say they are around, but we have never seen one. So the more Stake Conferences we go to, the better our chances of seeing a capybara in the wild. We had a fun 5 hour drive to Bagé for their Stake Conference. As we got farther out into the far reaches of the countryside we started to see a lot of Wild Turkeys. We counted around 8 which we saw on Saturday, and on Sunday during our return trip home. It is getting close to Thanksgiving, hummmm . . . I wonder if we will have time for another trip to Bagé towards the end of November? When we were returning from Pelotas one night we saw two Foxes, kind of silvery gray colored with their eyes gleaming in the headlights. Curt also thinks by the laws of deduction, that we saw 3 capybaras near Bagé. But as a former high school science student I feel that just because they were too small to be a calf, colt, or sheep and they were standing in water (which capybaras LOVE) we can't actually count this as a capybara sighting. I feel that the distance was just to great and we need stronger evidence. I feel inclined to call it a hypothetical capybara sighting.

With that aside I would like to confirm a true capybara sighting. When we were in Pelotas I talked Curt into driving to the bus station to check out the capybara that the missionaries say lives there. HE WAS THERE! The only problem is that it was very hot that day so he was napping inside a concrete culvert, keeping cool. We'll have to do another drive-by on a cooler day to see if he is hanging out in the open. There were also two Emu there (the large bird that looks almost like an ostrich.) It was fun to see them. Our Elders told us that here they are called Ema.

A week ago, Curt and I were touring the mission with his two assistants, and by Thursday we were all getting a little sleepy. We were on the beautiful highway between Bage and Cachoeira - there are lots of hills, and forests of eucalyptus trees (which they use here in construction.) Curt rounded a corner and there in the middle of the road was the funniest looking bird you have ever seen. It was about 3 feet tall - a seriema. He/she was so startled and we were so startled. Curt slammed on the brakes and he/she ran away. We got a good laugh about it all because he/she reminded us of the big bird, Kevin, in the movie "UP," with the colorful tufts on top of it's head.

I had to share this photo of the amazing maid who works across the street from our building. All of the maids here in Brazil wash the windows weekly. Usually they invent ways to clean the outside with a long squeegee or a broom or mop. But this courageous maid across the street from us just climbs right out onto the window ledge (3 stories up) and cleans the outside of windows. Since I am afraid of heights, I have great admiration for her skills and courage.

And lastly, for all of you who think that Coca Cola will rot your guts out, you might enjoy this sight that we saw at a gas station one day. I thought it would give you a laugh.