During the Months of October and November we have been enjoying the "Parada de Vacas" the "Cow Parade" here in Porto Alegre. There are over 100 cows at different locations in the city, decorated in different ways. This one named Vaxi is located in the Rodaviaria (Bus Station) It is painted exactly the same way the taxis are painted here. You can see a map on the base that shows where all of the other cows can be found throughout the city. Some people have been driving around the city, and taking photos by each of the cows.

This next cow is at our Moinhos de Vento Park. It is decorated with all of the different Bairros (Neighborhoods) in the city. Curt is pointing to Moinhos de Vento.

Here we have the Leão-de-Vaca

This is Mumu, the name of one of the big milk producing companies here in Rio Grande do Sul.

This one is probably our favorite cows. ZERO HORA is the name of one of the two local newspapers. At every main intersection in the city you can buy a newspaper from young people who walk up and down between the stopped cars. We have a favorite sales girl that we pass every morning on the way to the mission office. She walks past our car with a huge smile and always says "Bom Dia."
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