BRAZIL the Land of Beautful Produce
When we have interviews in Pelotas sometimes they fall on Wednesday which is the day for Feira (market.) This is the street market that fills the street in front of the Princesa Isabel Chapel in Pelotas. Feira is also the word they use for days of the week. Monday/(2nd)Segunda-feira, Tuesday/(3rd)Terça-feira, Wednesday/(4th)Quarta-feira, Thursday/(5th)Quinta-feira, Friday/(6th)Sexta-feira, Saturday/Sabado, Sunday/Domingo. I always get mixed up and call Sunday Sabado (because it reminds me of the word Sabbath.)

I love to see all of the beautiful produce.

We have a Sister, Anna in Pelotas who cooks amazing lunches for us every Zone Conference, which is every 6 weeks. She always has very colorful foods. One thing she enjoys in particular is dying eggs (you can see the green ones here.) She dyes the egg itself, not the shell.

Bom Apetite!

Wow! Those foods look delicious! Excuse me while I book our tickets down there...