We held two special Conferences in our mission with the Camargos. Here we are in Porto Alegre with half of our missionaries.

On April 16th, Curt was invited to baptize this wonderful man, Jaci Fernando Machado da Silva. His wife and family are already members of the church. In the month of March our mission held a special fast with all of the Wards and Branches, to be able to receive help in our missionary efforts. The Bishop of the Pineirho Ward felt like Jaci decided to be baptized after the ward members fasted for him. He had been investigating the Church for at least 5 years. Now in a year from now his family will be able to go to the Temple to be sealed for all Eternity.

On April 20th we had a Temple day with the missionaries in the Porto Alegre Area. Who did we run into at the Temple but Curt's good friends from Caxias, João Carlos and Claire (Curt knew them from his first mission). Our son Nick also knows them because he finished his mission in Caxias. Curt, Danielle and I ate a wonderful churrasco (Brazilian Barbeque) at João Carlos and Claire's home when we came to pick Nick up at the end of his mission. This is about the fourth time that Curt has "run into" these friends at the Temple.

Chris Jackson and Curt were companions here in Porto Alegre, and Steve Richardson was in the same group with Curt in the LTM (Language Training Mission) for 5 months while they were waiting for their Visas.

Some more friends who are completing their missions this year, President and Sister Beynon from the Maceio Mission.
These are our new neighbors in the Santa Maria mission in our state of Rio Grande do Sul, Presiden & Sister Ribeiro.

Seated here with Elder & Sister Christofferson, are the Mission Presidents/wives from our State of Rio Grande do Sul, the Ribeiros (Santa Maria), Pavans (Porto Alegre North), Christoffersons, and Curt and I (Porto Alegre South).
Who ever thought that a little girl from Pullman Washington would have the great blessing of learning from and associating with Apostles of the Living God. What an unbelievable opportunity. I am still pinching myself.

Kathy read a terrific talk and testimony in Portuguese, and her accent was very good. Elder Christofferson was amazing. He spoke with-out notes for more than an hour in Portuguese. He told us that the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has been studying recently, what it means to "take upon you the name of Jesus Christ". He lead us through the scriptures and taught us in such a powerful way who our Savior is, and what it really means to try to be like Him. It was an experience that I will never forget. At the end he gave all of us an Apostolic blessing upon our families. Our family has already benefited from that Apostolic Blessing.
Here we are with Elder & Sister Andersen, and our wonderful friends, Elder and Sister Christofferson.

While we were in Campinas our wonderful friends Claudio and Cristina Souza, Lucas, Claudinho, and Mateus, came to visit us at the Hotel. They were our very first friends in Porto Alegre, but are living in Campinas now. Claudio was serving as Curt's first Counselor in the Mission Presidency for our first year.

At the end of our seminar we scurried home, excited and anxious, because Elder and Sister Christofferson were scheduled to arrive in two days, to hold a Missionary Conference with the Porto Alegre North and South Missions in the same chapel. Our missionaries from both missions were so excited. First of all this could be the only chance that some of them will ever have to meet and Apostle. Secondly they were excited to have a double mission conference, because that is really unheard of these days, and many of our missionaries have good friends serving missions in the North mission.

It was such a special experience to have them here with us, even if it was only for one night. It felt like we had family visiting, and it gave us such a big lift and motivation to continue serving as best we can.
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