Here is the family posing in front of a wonderful nativity display at the Port Alegre airport that was on loan from Gramado durring the month of December.

Curt and I are enjoying all of the "loot" that the kids brought us from the USA.
As you can see, Curt is all set with his M&M's and I was especially thrilled about the hairspray they brought.

Josh, Meagan and Danielle got into the Christmas mood by decoration our windows with snowflakes.

I LOVED this nativity snowflake!

Josh created this train snowflake for Curt.

Meagan and Danielle helped with the Christmas dinner by making these yummy fresh berry and peach pies. YUMMY!

Bennett helped out by just being such a cute and smiley baby.

Here we are with the missionaries from the North part of the Mission.

This is Ana, the talented cook who prepares all of our huge meals for the missionaries in the South part of the mission. She always makes everthing very delicious, and colorful as well.
Ana and Marcos with their two sons, who always come to help serve.
Our Missionaries in the South part of the mission, along with some service missionary couples who are helping us out.
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