On your mark get set, GO! We are getting geared up for the Brazil games in the World Cup. As you can see the stores are selling all sorts of yellow/green items so that you can be patriotic when Brazil is playing. We even bought a package of Peanut M&Ms that had only yellow and green M&Ms.

Where do your loyalties lie? I'd say Italia is a little out-numbered here.

We have a fun city here named Arrio dos Rattos, which literally translated means: River of the Rats. It was settled many years ago by a German family, (Ratte.) There is also a beautiful River running by it. It seems that the city is trying to change it's image. They have a watermelon festival every year, and the last few times that we have visited we noticed these new decorations that the city has purchased. Above you can see one of their new Bus Stops.