Our financial secretary Elder Watts was running around so fast preparing for transfer day that he ran into the door and cut his head - but Sis.
Swenson's brownies make everything feel better.

Our staff photo before transfer day. We three of our missionaries went back to the "
campo." Here are E. Duncan (new financial secretary) E. Rush (former assistant) E.
Grabner (executive secretary) E.
Maruji (assistant) E. Santana (secretary for housing) Sis. & Pres. E. Watts (former financial secretary) E. Xavier (new assistant) E.

Here is another look at that amazing tree shown above, it is right in front of the church building by our office. These are in bloom all around the city right now. I need to learn the name of this gorgeous tree.

Some of our beautiful sisters on transfer day at the bus station. Aren't they terrific?

President saying good bye to these missionaries who headed home on November 26
th. I bet the American families had quite a Thanksgiving celebration. Pictured are E. Jones, E. Rocha, President, E. Milton, E.
Ritter (kneeling), E.
Braga, E. Elias, S.
Pereira. E.
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