Curt & his assistants with Pres. Sergio, and Selson
after Pres Sergio ordained Selson to the Melchizedek preisthood
So that he could go with his family to the Temple
to be sealed for eternity.

Curt got to interview this wonderful family, the Carvalhos
to give them Temple recommends to be sealed in the
Porto Alegre Temple on August 15.

The Charqueadas Chapel
Curt with Elder Braga, and Elder Yancey
One of the portable baptismal fonts that the Branches use.
Look on the top of the pole to see 4 mud bird nests. Curt and I decided these were made by "Mud -Spitting Warblers" You see these everywhere you go.
The "Mud-Spitting Warbler" nest outside of our bathroom window.